Henry Bath & Son Limited
In order to maximize delivery out schedules during the current period of peak demand; with effect from 1st January 2010 until further notice, Henry Bath & Son Ltd is invoking a formal scheduling system whereby customers will be allocated a clearly defined loading slot. This notice sets out an explanation of how this process will operate to help provide better understanding and guidance for our customers as well as haulage companies.
This schedule has been created with strict adherence to the LME delivery out procedures. Trucks will be given a time slot each day, if this date is fully booked we would offer the next available alternative to meet customer requirements. This enables us to manage an orderly loading plan and allocate deliveries fairly and evenly to all customers with the objective of minimising any delays, we operate on a first come, first served manner.
Our working days are Monday to Friday, excluding UK Public Holidays and collections can be booked from 0800 to 1600.
1. Bookings for collection will be taken after all formalities permitting delivery have been completed with 48 hours notice prior to the first collection. We consider the formalities to be the correct and final release of the cargo to the party collecting.
2. Our definition of 48 hours notice is "the second morning after final release confirmed, no matter what time that release was done by HBS". For example, if the release is sent at 0800hrs Monday or 1700hrs Monday, collection can commence Wednesday morning (available time slots permitting).
3. Collection will only be permitted if payment of all outstanding invoices has been received by us; however time slots can be PROVISIONALLY booked with us on the basis that funds will be received prior to collection. Funds must be received into the bank account; material can not be collected on the basis of a SWIFT document.
1. The party collecting is to email their request to ukmetalsdesk@henrybath.com.
2. The HBS JI reference number is to be quoted in the title of this email.
3. The party collecting is to request the required time slots for the material they would like to collect at that point.
4. One time slot is required for each truck arriving at the warehouse.
5. HBS will confirm the time slot by return email, if the requested time slots are not available alternatives will be agreed by repeating the process via email.
6. The allocation of warrants to the vehicle will be managed by HBS unless specified otherwise by the collecting party. Any requirements for particular warrants to be allocated to specific time slots must be communicated by 12pm the day prior to collection.
7. The party collecting the material must confirm the truck registration numbers for each time slot by the end of business the day prior to collection. We suggest a simple list stating time slot, registration number and allocated warrant (where relevant) is used for clarity.
1. The party collecting the material is to arrange for the vehicle to arrive at the start of the allocated time slot. If the vehicle is going to be late this must be communicated to HBS a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the time slot.
2. The driver will report to a member of staff at the confirmed collection address to receive the cargo.
3. If HBS have been advised within the parameters of point 1 of a vehicle being late they will, whenever possible, be accommodated on the same day, but not necessarily upon their arrival.
4. Hauliers who have advised HBS that they are running late but are not able to be accommodated that day can be re-booked for the next day, providing time slots are available, using the above process.
5. Any vehicles that arrive more than 2 hours late for their time slot will be prioritised behind all other collections and may not be loaded. If the truck is not loaded the collection can be re-booked for the next day, providing time slots are available, using the above process.
6. Hauliers that are repeatedly arriving in excess of 2 hours late for their collection slots during periods of peak activity will be prioritised behind all other collections and may need to rebook using the above process with 48 hours notice, to regain their priority in the booking system.
Drivers need to be aware that they will be asked to schedule around those trucks that showed up at the proper allocated time. We trust this way of working enhances transparency in our operational processes with companies collecting material and maximises our delivery out rates for customers during periods of peak demand.
Please be advised that Henry Bath do not provide on-site facilities for sheeting loads on flat-bed trailers. If you wish your goods to be covered during transit please ensure you only send in vehicles with their own integral covers such as curtain-sides or a sliding canopy.